Hand-painted Animal Print on Thrifted Suede Shoes

Hand-painted Animal Print on Thrifted Suede Shoes

Animal print is SO in right now. Wait, was it ever really out? I have to be honest, I used to shy away from animal print. But these days, I’ve been embracing it in small-yet-gradually-increasing doses.
Anthropologie-Inspired Thrift Store Score Refashions (and some thoughts on creative passion and Me-Made May)

Anthropologie-Inspired Thrift Store Score Refashions (and some thoughts on creative passion and Me-Made May)

I found a couple of "magic skirts" at my local thrift store and refashioned them into two Anthropologie-inspired tops.
From Thrifted Men's XL Jeans to Megan Nielsen Dawn Jeans

From Thrifted Men's XL Jeans to Megan Nielsen Dawn Jeans

I love making jeans. They’re surprisingly easier to make than they seem, and having a custom fit pair of pants that I can wear nearly every day is the ultimate sewing win, if you ask me. But I am very particular about my pants...